Far too many people waste time and money chasing symptoms. Getting adjustments, countless physical therapy hours, stretching and foam rolling, injections and surgeries while never getting true clarity about WHY their pain happened in the first place – this needs to STOP!
Dr. Jimerson has worked with professional athletic teams such as the Buffalo Bills, been part of the official treatment team at Ironman Triathlons, worked with countless athletic teams in the Lowcountry including College of Charleston, and is referred to by many Local Charleston Orthopedic Surgeons like Robert Schoderbeck, MD (Sports Director at Roper St Francis) as a “go-to colleague when nothing else helps a patient.”
But before all of that, Dr. J (as his patients lovingly call him) suffered with multiple low back disc injuries, chronic rotator cuff (shoulder) injuries, IBS, and autoimmune joint pain…
After traditional chiropractic, stretching for hours, foam rolling, physical therapy, and spending $100s of thousands of dollars on other alternative and traditional therapies,
he was able to fix all of his issues by vowing to figure out the root causes of pain and health issues.
Over 10,000 hrs of obsessive learning, borrowing wisdom from Eastern Medicine, Acupuncture, Martial Arts, the Best of the best Olympic Coaches, Trainers and other Therapists from around the world shaped his treatments and philosophies to what they are today.
We are proud to have received over 15,000 word-of-mouth referrals from local doctors and grateful patients in the Lowcountry and look forward to being the solution to your pain, performance and health challenges.
Far too many people waste time and money chasing symptoms. Getting adjustments, countless physical therapy hours, stretching and foam rolling, injections and surgeries while never getting true clarity about WHY their pain happened in the first place – this needs to STOP!
Dr. J is versed in a multitude of advanced techniques to eliminate pain, improve performance, and restore healthy movement.
Our biggest goal and passion is to resolve your pain and restore your quality of like in as few visits as possible. Our integrative therapy sessions are like nothing that you have every experienced.
Dr. Jeremiah Jimerson
761 St Andrews Blvd, Charleston, SC 29407